Sunday, July 13, 2008

What is your Marketing IQ?

Written by: Ted Frangos, Victory Business Coaching

Read each statement and score each competency on a scale of 1-10
(1=poor, 10=excellent). Answer every question not only from your
own perspective but as a client or customer would answer for you.

1. I see every contact with my customers and prospects as marketing. My words, attitudes and actions are all intentional and based on my marketing goals.

2. I look at all of my marketing from the customer's point of view. I consistently make time to ask my customers and prospects what is it they really want.

3. I am aggressive in my marketing efforts.

4. My marketing attack includes an assortment of strategies. I make use of many of the 100 marketing weapons.

5. If I surveyed my customers today they would agree that I follow-up in a consistent and timely manner.

6. I consistently use a marketing calendar to track and measure the effectiveness of my marketing weapons.

7. My friends, prospects and customers would all say I am enthusiastic and consistently positive in all my interactions.

8. I focus on having a clearly defined marketing niche.

9. I have a clear and specific marketing plan that guides my weekly action steps.

10. I use online marketing as one of my major marketing weapons. I utilize email, a website and the vast power of the Internet to reach new prospects and communicate with customers.

11. I build strong one-to-one relationships with my prospects and customers knowing that people buy from friends rather than strangers.

12. My business is oriented to giving. We often provide free consultations, tips, gifts and information. We make generosity a part of our overall marketing plan.

13. I look for ways to amaze my customers with exceptional service.

14. I consistently use my imagination to develop marketing strategies that are unconventional and will capture the attention of my target market.

15. I actively work on developing marketing partnerships with other businesses.

16. I take consistent action on my marketing plan. Entrepreneurship is like camping. You're complaining the whole time, but when you look back at it, you think, "That was pretty neat."

The 16 Marketing Competencies
Record YOUR scores to this chart and track your competency scores for the next three Months.

1. Intentionality
2. Sensitivity
3. Aggressiveness
4. Assortment
5. Follow-up
6. Measurement
7. Enthusiasm
8. Niche
9. Marketing Plan
10 Internet marketing
11. Relationships
12. Giver Stance
13. Outstanding Service
14. Imagination
15. Marketing Partners
16. Consistent Action


160 – 140, Excellent, you should be in the Bahamas.

139 – 109, Good to Fair, you can do better and gain more results.

109, Poor, Get some help or choose to do something else.

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