Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sellutions - The Experience Economy

Written by Greta Schulz, ProActive Training & Consulting

I really admire Starbucks. They get it, they really do. I go there, I meet business associates there, on my suggestion or other peoples. That being said, I do not like their coffee. That’s right. It is way too strong for me, and for lots of other people for that matter, but I still go there and would encourage others to as well.

Howard Schultz, no relation to me, unfortunately, has figured it out. He has created an experience like no other. Except for the copy-cats and maybe “Central Perk” of “friends” fame, it is completely unique.

So let’s get back to why I go there and others too, if we don’t like the coffee. The coffee is only one part of the “experience”. There are the comfy couches, how many people would rather sit on a hard stool as opposed to a comfy, cozy, ‘I should be in my pajamas’ couch? How about the soft unique music that plays ever so slightly in the background and the wi-fi. Do others offer this now? Sure but I believe they were the first. The walls are dark and have nice artwork. I am experiencing my living room and not a coffee shop.

So how do we accomplish this in our own businesses?
First of all, it isn’t about having the best product if that is all that you have. Best is merely subjective anyway. Have you ever told someone that your company was ranked #1 in the industry? Woopie! If that was so important everyone would switch to you and there would be no #2. I could be wrong but I am going to take a shot in the dark here and assume you probably have at least one form or another of competition.

So what is the experience you are leaving them with? What feeling are they getting when working with you? Is it unique and different? Can they not achieve it anywhere else? Are they getting a good feeling from working with you or are they feeling like you do a good job? A good job is intellectual, “I got what I paid for”. Feeling good is an emotion. Emotion is the extra something, the WOW factor, the beyond the expectation. It’s the comfy, cozy, I feel like I am in my pajamas, couch.

What are some things that you do to create the WOW factor? That something extra, the special, unique experience in working with you that makes you different from your competitors. If you want to create more of the experience, you should brainstorm. Meet with a few people that you admire and shoot around some ideas. Hey maybe you can do that at your local Starbucks. Try the Carmel Apple Cider.

I would like to hear from you. Please email me and tell me about the WOW that you give. I would like to share these with all of our readers so more of you can create “the experience”. I would like to hear from you. Please email me and tell me about the experience that you give. I would like to share these with all of our readers in an upcoming issue so that more of you can learn from each other and create this experience for your customers.

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