Friday, December 5, 2008

Vision for Today's Family

Written by: Dr. Stephanie May, Families by Design

The idea of "today's family" has transformed many times over in the last several decades. Our lives seem anything but simple. Everyone is going in different directions at different times. And so, in this hectic time where people would rather text message than talk, we would love to inspire you and your family to connect.

Our message is simple: Learn about yourselves and each other! Learn like you are mastering something. And even better, Learn Proactively! This is what creates connection. So many times, parents turn to us once a problem has already occurred; and while there are effective solutions to assist a family in this place, we ask you now...Why wait until then??? Do you really want to live your life being in reaction to this problem or that surprise? Or do you want to take active steps to be as healthy and happy as possible?

Below you will find some key suggestions in creating connection in your family and learning more about yourselves and each other:
Sit down and write a clear vision statement for your family. For example, "Our family is joyful, fun, and full of love and gratitude." This statement is written with intention and the goal in mind. Be clear that this is going to occur, even if it is not yet true today. Sit down and write your families vision statement together and then put it on your refrigerator for all to see.
  • Create a Family Contract which outlines agreements between all family members as to how they interact with one another. Some possibilities include: Talk to each other with respect- or- Call if you are running late. Just like the vision statement, this should be written together and then posted in a visible locale.
  • Enroll in personal development opportunities. There are a multitude of workshops, trainings, and courses for this reason. No one gave you a manual on being a parent for example, so this is the perfect thing to seek growth about proactively.
  • Listen with your full attention when you ask each other about your day. Be aware of what differences you create when you are truly fully present with them versus when you are distracted.
  • And lastly, sit down together. Let this time be focused and dedicated to what activity you have chosen. Turn cell phones, television, and even computers off. Yes that includes Mom and Dad too.
  • We certainly hope that you will use all or some of the suggestions presented here. Even our own experience tells us that it all starts just by having a vision- a purpose- and then living by it each and every day to the best of our ability until the results show up that we had originally intended. This is exactly how our Families By Design team was created, and we are honored to share our vision, purpose, and passion with you.

    For further information about Families by Design and our services, please go to or call 561-994-7222.

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